Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer + PIX
Bank Accounts
Banco Itaú
- Sociedade Grupo Estimação
- Agencia: 6103
- Conta Corrente: 19.918-5
- CNPJ : 08.996.430/0001-17
Caixa Econômica Federal
- SOS Animal
- Agencia: OP 013 4650
- Conta Poupança: 7446-0
- CNPJ: 03218056/0001-05
- Agencia 0213
- Conta Poupança: 1000002-5
- CNPJ: 03218056/0001-05
Banco do Brasil
- SOS Animal
- Agência: 4398-2
- Conta Corrente: 14.675-7
- CNPJ: 03218056/0001-05
Banco Santander
- Agencia 3334
- Conta Corrente: 13000173-2
- CNPJ: 03218056/ 0001-05
Sociedade de EstimaçãoAmbiental e
Animal Grupo Estimação
CNPJ: 08.996.430/0001-17
Animal Grupo Estimação
CNPJ: 08.996.430/0001-17

Make a Donation Now!
Our largest expense is the buying of food for all the dogs and cats in our care. It is a constant expense that we struggle to cover every month.
In addition, there is the regular maintenance of kennels, open exercise areas, and medical facilities, so that vaccinations, operations, and veterinary care can be performed safely.
Please make a donation. No amount is too small.

Payment via PayPal

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